For most drivers, petrol prices are one of their biggest regular expenses and can add up to a lot of money spent during the course of the year. Make the most of your petrol by following a few simple driving tips.
Checking your tyre pressure is an easy way to make your petrol usage more efficient, as well as helping to make sure that you check your tyres are safe regularly. In your driver’s notebook, or sometimes noted somewhere in the car itself as well, it will tell you your vehicle’s desired tyre pressure. Checking this regularly will make sure that your vehicle is safer, and can help you save on petrol money in the long run.
This may sound unusual but even small things can have a big impact on the amount of fuel your vehicle uses. Taking off roof racks or even closing windows on the motorway will make your car more aerodynamic, and cause you to use up less fuel on your journeys.
When your car is stopped for a few hours, it will begin to cool down. This means that for the first five miles of your next journey, your car will use more fuel whilst your car warms up again. Whilst some trips are unavoidable, minimising the amount of journeys you take or combining as many journeys as you can into one is one of the most effective means you can take to reduce your fuel consumption.
Lot of people end up using their cars as extra storage, and this can have an undesired impact on petrol costs. The heavier your car, the more fuel it uses. Cut down on some of the cost by having a clear out of your car and getting rid of anything you don’t need.
Traveling at a consistent speed is much more fuel efficient than starting and stopping the car continuously or travelling over the speed limit. Where possible, avoid driving in rush hour or driving in congested areas, as maintaining a slow and steady speed is not only better for your driving, but for your wallet too.
Check your oil regularly, as keeping your engine fully lubricated is another key tactic in making sure you get the best from your petrol tank. Checks performed weekly will help you notice any issues with your car under the bonnet, and keep your car rolling along at peak fuel efficiency.